Hi evweey-one! Do you wike my toy fwom my Aunt Jeanne and my Uncle Johnny?

I'm not exactly sure how it woooks.........

I fink I might wike it.......

Oh yeah........dat's wight.......... I do, I DO!!!

It makes Aswan a wittle nervous dough cuz it moveded all by itsewf!!

Can you come pway wiff me?

Here awe my cawds fwom my Aunt Jeanne & Uncle Johnny and my Aunt Twacy.......my ma ma caws hew Pookie.......I wuv dem awl

Dese are da punkin guts my da da took out of my scawy punkin!

Do you fink he wooks wike me? Same teef, wight?!!

Dese awe my bwuvawwwwwws, Aswan an Simba

Dis is mommy's favorite picture of us boys!!!

we sure are handsome! Do you wike it?

My da da is siwwy!!

I fink he wuvs me............

Ma Ma's second favewit picture.......

she says dat we are waaaaaay too cute!!

tickle tickle!!

Can you see my Hawwoween cosume?....... it was vewy vewy good...... wook...........WOOK cwoooooooooooooooser........ can you see wha I am?


Hope you all had a safe holiday, and NO CAVITIES!! We love you!!
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