Well, I decided to throw Tristan's first birthday a little early so my family could join in on the fun as well! We'll have similar decs here for his party on January 16th.... so fun!!
Here's T's Yankee cake...
with a candle....
And Uncle Johnny... not sure what he was planning on doing with the remote, but Tristan was on to him. It WAS his favorite toy - ha!
Then he got a ton of fun stuff! Grandma helped open his toy from Aunt Kelly, Uncle Lee and Zach... it is a guitar! WUHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Aunt Tracy loooooooooooooooooooooves the Nugget but he was antsy pants and wanted to play!

God bless you Tracy Poole... you put up with this extended family and always have!! We love you!!
T on his Christmas present from the Kinsons..... and the Lion rider from Grandpa!
First family pic!

Then I got in and Poolsie took it! I'm trying to crop myself into the other and have one family pic! Maybe I can crop Auntie T and Uncle Mike in too! :)

Little cutie........
Mom and her girls!

Kel and Aunt Jeanne

Kelly and Zach... I can't believe my nephew is 21 and I have an (almost) 1 year old - YOWZA!!!
Me n my mama!!

Uncle Johnny getting some quality time

Tristan says I'm ONE!!!!! He looooooooooooooooooooooooooves his Grandpa. I have seriously never heard my child belly laugh more than when he is with his Grandpa. They crawl all over the place and laugh and laugh and laugh. Great to see him and my dad THAT happy!!!

Yes... believe it or not people... my sis and I ... getting along. AGAIN. Who knows, maybe sissy and I are all grown up! :)

He's puzzled... MORE GIFTS? Yes, buddy.. more gifts!

Zach and his baby cousin!

Sweet little Nugget. Man... you are CUTE!

He loves his Aunt and Uncle! So many people vying for his attention!

Me n my best friend on the planet. I love you Tracy!

Hopefully more pictures will surface... sorry it's so crazy but I'm so stinkin' busy that I had to make sure they made it before the end of the year!!!
I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and of course...
SEE YOU IN 2010!!!