Who: The Barbers!
When: January 11, 2009
Where: Baylor Medical Center at Frisco
Why: Because I have no choice... well, I do about the where but not about the other stuff
Waiting room....
Well, I'm technically copying my friend Kristin's blog so you can click on her link to the right OR you can just read all about my nonsense!

Well, I'm technically copying my friend Kristin's blog so you can click on her link to the right OR you can just read all about my nonsense!
Some VERY cool things about the hospital OTHER than the photos:
1) We will have a camera in our room (NOT delivery..bleck) and there will be a link that you can click and it will take you right to our room so you can "knock" to see us and you can see Tristan! For all of you out of towners or those who hate hospitals or don't want to pay those ridiculous parking fees... it's for you! (And yes, we have to accept ... you can't just POP IN Poolsie) Labor and delivery below.... They do ALL tests and bathing, etc. right in front of you and then you both get low jacked. hee, hee.

2) Each room has a flat screen TV, and a pull out bed for daddy (better than a chair!) This is the room you may POP IN) Remember, the camera adds 5 lbs. in my case though... 50! This is "our" room ....

3) They allow you to either have the baby with you at all times (which I will try and do but I get crabby with no sleep). OR you can send them to this fabulous nursery below... especially during nap time from 2-4pm. Aaaaaah, dimmed lights, peace and quiet...no visitors... aaaaah.
inside the nursery... so cute!

4) They have baby low-jack so no one can steal your kid...I'm not kidding. The ENTIRE hospital goes into lock down if baby and mommy's wrist bands together don't sing a lullaby. Nice!
5) They offer a ton of free classes and Holt and I are signed up for October and November. Baby/Infant CPR and safety, Parenting class, Car Seat check class, Daddy Boot Camp (Holt only and someone save me on this one...my husband already has duct tape in his Dude Diaper bag!), Breastfeeding class, etc. Some are long classes (3 weeks, 4 hours) but some of them we are taking with our friends Scott and Kristin (the blog I plagiarized) so they will be MORE than entertaining. She will inevitable hit Scott more than once.
6) All meals are served with a guest meal so Holt (or whoever is with me when I'm chowing down... will get a free meal. The food ROCKS too! Yipppee! PLUS - We get steak and lobster (or the something and lobster of your liking) the night before we go home! Who's sneaking me in a glass of red wine?
Whew! I'm sure I forgot a lot... but for now.. this will do.
Also, I'm so blessed to borrow my sister-in-law's furniture, one less expense for us! It should be here in the not so distant future and hopefully we'll start getting the nursery set up. Kimmie, Brad and Natalie Simpson and a few others are also letting us borrow clothes, strollers, toys, etc. so my mom and I will be cleaning and setting it all up when she comes in September. There will be little I have to buy although my registeries at Target and Baby's R Us still seem very long. You need A LOT for a baby - just as when you get married I guess.
This weekend, Holt and I are reorganizing, cleaning and making the best use of space in our small little house. IKEA here we come! I think I'm hitting the nesting stage so I'm going to clean like no other, wash, fold, hang, etc... to get everything moving along! See my baseboards shine!
Here is the theme for the nursery... I prefer to say Tristan's pad.... JUNGLE (imagine that!)

I have already found some stuffed animal lions, monkeys, my Ya-Ya Lisa gave me a VERY soft turtle and I also have ALLIGATORS... yowza! The Jungle room must be an EOR (Equal Opportunity Room) for jungle creatures of all kind.
Love, "Scared to Death of the Delivery room" OR "Will Miss seeing my toes in the not so distant future" OR .... Julie
toes? i think i vaguely remember those...
ReplyDeletei don't miss them though. giant belly has been great for me. i don't have to shave my legs or have sex now.
yes, i said that. :)
Holt said "She's denying access?" ...POOR SCOTT....