Tracy, me n Deb (been friends since we were 5!!)

THE YA YA's!!!
Well I was full of pride over the fact that I really haven't had much of a meltdown during my pregnancy. Other than a fit for ketchup, all has been pretty calm in my world. No crying over Kleenex commercials or pictures of babies and puppies. Well, then it happened.
It all began when I was off to my annual girls trip with my Ya Ya's (we have the book and all) - we were off to Hilton Head. Last Thursday, I flew to Atlanta to meet with my friend Lisa and we drove to Hilton Head. Above I've attached some pictures... well, those that I could show, hee, hee. Anyway, Sunday Lisa and I made the 4 hour trek back to Atlanta and I thought I was being smart getting there 5 hours early and I could fly standby. You guessed... no dice. After 4 flights, I was stuck on my 7:40pm flight. "Lucky" for me, the flight was delayed for over 2 1/2 hours. So basically, I made it home close to midnight, and kissed my hubby then dogs and passed out. Only to get up the next morning, pack for Vail and kiss my husband goodbye. It didn't help that he "pouted" while waving goodbye, he looked so cute and BAM! My heart was VERY sad!
Ok, you would have thought Holt wanted a divorce. I cried like a baby on the way out and then SOBBED my ENTIRE way to work. REALLY, REALLY? Yes...... sobbed. I mean, I know I love Holt, he's the greatest thing that's every happened to me....but WOW. So, after calling my more pregnant friend Kristin..and she convinced me that I wasn't insane - I headed into work.
Anyway, been in Vail since Monday night and I'm headed home tomorrow. Sheesh.... emotions can be a girls worst enemy!
LBB and I are fine, looking forward to seeing the little one on Tues. Can you believe it, we'll know if it's Kennedy or if it's Tristan. SO excited.
Tomorrow I will be home cleaning out the spare room converting it to LBB's very own pad. My mom is coming in Sept and she and I will get the room all set up and I can't wait. Then of course, everyone will be heading over for the shower. I have a ton of friends flying in from Chicago so we will have a BIG slumber party at my house and it will be a blast.
Oh yeah...and off to Chicago a week from tomorrow to see Nat, Christian and Josh, Brad is coming here for a boy's weekend with Holt. Never EVER boring in our world.
I'll be back on Tues............ I'll even give you a few shots of LBB - maybe we'll get lucky and get a wave. If this kid is anything like me, LBB will probably be sticking it's tongue out or something worse - ha!!
Love, Julie, Holt, Aslan, Simba & LBB
kennedy. that's my vote.