This was the first fun reunion event I was able to do since I got hit with the plague... I made the most of it but passed out every night at 10pm. Well, ALMOST every night!!

This is Amy... a friend I've had forever and I swear, I lived at her house for a few years. Her mom Sharon and Dad Louie are another set of parent for me!! Tristan was so sick but still such a trooper!!
same except we add Missy Commesso!
And Karen came - wuhooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! She would NEVER have let my child be in that state and not see him!
She and her friend Michelle brought Tristan a sweet little gift... he loved it!
This is Holtie and Ya-Ya Debbie
Ya-Ya Chrissy!! Not sure where Josh is but her hubby has been my friend FOREVER! Love you Josh and of course YOU Meyers!!
YA-Ya Lisa and her hubby...Thad... Daddy looooooooooooves Thad - I think we'll be visiting Atlanta A LOT!!
Ya-Ya Tracy.... Mommy's best friend since she was 5!!
Ya Ya Lisa and Ann Marie........... oh I go waaaaaaaaaay back with Bean too - rollerskating days! WUHOOOOOOOOOOOO - you little boogie breaker you - Ann Marie!!
Ya Ya Treva and Ya Ya Nancy.......... oh and Treva's new little one - LUCY!!!
In all seriousness if I had to pick anyone on the planet that I am most like - it's Jenny. Oh how I love her (poor little sick Tristan!)

Jen and her daughter Reese..... ADORABLE!

Me n the gang!

Holt golfed on Saturday morning. I was off to see Aunt Trisha. Because we were sick, we couldn't see her until we were on antibiotics for a few days.

I went out for ONE drink on Thursday............ then straight to bed!

My mom and I took a quick walk around Hoopes Park... So many memories there and now one more to add to it!!

Here are the pics from my Aunt Trisha's house... it was SO nice to see her and she FINALLY met Mr. Cheeks!!

She wasn't supposed to hold him because of her surgery and she DEFINITELY shouldn't get anywhere near me... she hugged and kissed me and balanced Tristan on her leg. She couldn't do it... (I don't blame you, I would have done the same!!)
Aw, the Nugget and his Aunt Trisha!

Grandma gets another squeeze from the tired little boy!

He was soooooooooooooo sick of the BOOGER SUCKER... oops.... wonder who operated that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tristan met some of his cousins!! Sophia, Christine and Nicholas

OH and I couldn't forget this... Holt in between golf attire and "dancin' threads"

Some of my girls - Tracy, Ann Marie, me, Sue and Amy

Jen and her daughter Reese..... ADORABLE!
Me n the gang!

Holt golfed on Saturday morning. I was off to see Aunt Trisha. Because we were sick, we couldn't see her until we were on antibiotics for a few days.
Holt, Jenny and Becky - these girls looooooooooooooooooove Holt!!
Pookie took care of Holtie and Holtie pulled some serious pranks!

felt bad ... like that Holt was bored... does he LOOK bored to YOU? I think not.......

Holt and my crew..... I'm told he fits right in...imagine that!!

I went out for ONE drink on Thursday............ then straight to bed!

My mom and I took a quick walk around Hoopes Park... So many memories there and now one more to add to it!!
Here are the pics from my Aunt Trisha's house... it was SO nice to see her and she FINALLY met Mr. Cheeks!!
She wasn't supposed to hold him because of her surgery and she DEFINITELY shouldn't get anywhere near me... she hugged and kissed me and balanced Tristan on her leg. She couldn't do it... (I don't blame you, I would have done the same!!)
Aw, the Nugget and his Aunt Trisha!
Grandma gets another squeeze from the tired little boy!
He was soooooooooooooo sick of the BOOGER SUCKER... oops.... wonder who operated that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tristan met some of his cousins!! Sophia, Christine and Nicholas
OH and I couldn't forget this... Holt in between golf attire and "dancin' threads"
Again............ they just love him...........

Some of my girls - Tracy, Ann Marie, me, Sue and Amy

Sunday, we went to breakfast with my dad and I forgot to bring my camera. I was still SO sick........ but it was so fun to go and the place is filled with cow stuff so how could I NOT love it? Then, Holt and I headed to the Great Race...juuuust in time for a torrential downpour... so we went to Debbie's - she and Steve were having a party. So we stayed for a little bit then headed back to my mom's for my dad to come over for dinner.
I swear, I have been sick once a year and it's usually a doozie... THIS was a doozie. I just can't shake it. I could barely keep my eyes open. My dad stayed then said his goodbye's - Tristan had a bath and then in bed. Tummy full - check! Baby bathed and in bed - check! Packed - CHECK!
Date time!!! Holt and I were off to the drive in movies. I haven't been to one in years. So we got some hot chocolate, then drove in and snagged some popcorn and watched GI - Joe (great movie by the way). There was an awesome lightening storm and Holt loved every second of it.
On the way home... American called... flight........ CANCELED.
Uh oh.........
So Holt called and maneuvered our way onto UsAirways. WUHOOOOOOOOOOO
So 5am came VERY early today but we made it. Only to find ourselves in Philly with a 3 hour layover. Lord help me............ my son was OVER TIRED and it was a bit of a beating. Holt sat up from for the leg from Philly to DFW and I believe he watched a movie. I ... I sat in back and had a WONDERFUL woman who took turns holding, playing with and singing to Tristan to entertain him.
Kimmie and the kids picked us up and dropped us off home. I began to unpack and noticed that was NOT the luggage that Kimberlee May just gave me. Oh no no and when I opened it up, I was POSITIVE those weren't my clothes or shoes (UM NO WAY!) so I called Holt and he came back, snagged the bag, drove BACK to DFW and picked up the correct bag.
I loved being home with my family and friends but what a bummer to miss out on so much. Oh well, no sense in freaking out about it but I need ZERO drama the rest of the week.
if "you + life = drama"... please stay away at all costs.... I need a little free time.... wonder if that will happen... RVC is out tomorrow but Layman... is in. Happy Tuesday - ha!
I miss my friends and family SO much and while I'm happy to be home, there is just a little part of me that wishes I were still there doing life THERE, not here. I love you all - thanks for helping me make the most of my sickness!!
Wow!! You squeezed lots into that trip! Bet you're tired. I hope you're feeling better! Looks like the trip was fun, despite the yuckies. :)