My little guy the day after we brought him home...

Well, it's official... I've been semi scolded from my vet. Aslan has gained 20 pounds since last year. Ugh... B-A-D. I'm ashamed of myself for letting my dog get fat... I know better. This is what he looked like at 105... that is a healthy weight for him. Luckily for all of us... I can't find my camera for a recent snapshot (or two, maybe he can't fit in one.. *SIGH*)

My vet kindly reminded me not to confuse love with food... oh isn't that true for we as humans as well. *Sigh #2. I don't even LIKE to eat.. if there were a pill to be full, I'd take it.
So, I'm putting it on "paper" .... I'm committing to walk my dog every night. It's gonna suck because I have committed to running 4 days a week too because I need to lose 10-15 lbs. It was so much easier when I was playing soccer!
Anyway, we are gearing up to head back to NY. We have a new dog walker - her name is Diana and she will be walking the dogs twice a day while we are gone. It'll be good... it'll start a new habit that Aslan will NOT let me quit. When he likes something, he gets radar (like 5am and 5pm feedings - he KNOWS what time it is because he whines at those hours even on Saturdays!!) so I'll have to take him. Simba..heck - he's up for anything.
We are starting to pack and prepare for Tristan to meet the rest of his family. Aunt Jeanne, you will promptly be frisked before you leave my mom's house... we are wise to your ways. Tee, hee, hee and I know how excited everyone is... the little man is too for sure. We'll have to talk about Skyping more too now that my entire family can. It's important for Tristan to know his family and until we are in driving distance... Skyping will have to do.
Connie is on her way over to give Tristan goodbye kisses...she won't see him for 10 days and obviously, that is going over like a fart in church... I love that saying... makes me laugh-out-loud every time I say it.
My Auntie T is doing quite well and Lester had her party yesterday so both of those things makes my heart happy. EE is out of surgery and hopefully feeling better today than she did the last couple of days. Still... my mantra remains...cancer SUCKS!
Ok, off to shower and start the afternoon... I LOVE SATURDAYS!! Maybe I'll start planning our RV trip with the Smithwick's next year... THAT is gonna rock.........
Here's to thinner days *CHEERS*
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