I don't know what to do other than to turn to those I love and cry out!
It's "funny" how having a clean house and cute clothes matters so much less when REAL life stuff happens.
Yesterday was a day of bad news. My friend's cancer is worse than expected. I am not a doom and gloom person. I know she will be ok, but the road is long and not what she expected and for that... I grieve.
A friend lost his job and he's got a lot of mouths to feed. Again, I trust that God will provide, that this was His plan and that there is another job lined up... but it's scary ya know. It's hard just waiting and wondering, but I guess that's faith.
To top off yesterday, my son had his 6 month shots and was MISERABLE. He has a fever and was inconsolable. He went to bed at 5:34pm yesterday. I couldn't fall asleep, just tossed and turned until 2am. 4am came very quickly when the little man woke up. I fed him a bottle and when I tried to put him back down he just sobbed. Crocodile tears were flowing. Man that wrenches my heart. So, I held him. And I'm thankful I can. I kept thinking what if I had no arms and couldn't ... THIS would be heartbreaking. But I can, so I did. Perspective is everything.
So while I sit here as he is (finally) sleeping... I am at peace knowing that the One who is in control is in fact, in control. He has Leslie's situation all worked out and I believe she will be back to 100% in a year. He has my Aunt Trisha healed and whole in I hope a VERY short few months. He has my friend, working in a job he loves with people that are kind and understanding - he has balance in his life for himself and for his family. My son is healthy and well and happy. I BELIEVE that God is the creator of all good things and for today... for right now... that is enough.
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