This is Lester.... meeting Mr. T for the first time. yahooooooooo

He wasn't as sleepy as he looked.......

Did I mention she's kicking' cancer's butt!?

This is her daughter Lexi..... adorable.. but she was onto me... anytime the flash went off, she closed her sweet little eyes!

And here Lexi is sharing with Tristan. She even went and got him his own paper and marker!!!


This is Rhett... Lester's hubby... I'm not sure if he's picking his foot or not.. but for the record, he would and he'd throw it at you... HE ROCKS!

And crazy, crazy Wayne... Ash's hubby........ big goofball!

T, kickin' it with the Moores!

It was close to bedtime and close to the start of the game which sadly, 8pm was too late for the little man so we had to leave. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :(
She was teaching him to stand up like Ya- Ya Lisa did!!

exactly what happens to my sister-in-law... now I get it!

Lester gave me a little goodie box with cute clothes for Tristan. I of course, forgot it... or I'd post the cute things! We looked around their neighborhood...just checked out the area..and gave Holt a feel for "things".
I know... I know... you want to KNOW...but I don't KNOW... so this is it ... for now. :)
If I don't get to squeeze that little boy soon, my head is going to pop off!