On Friday we took our nephews Holden and Lane to see the trains at the mall. This was my first experience, Lane didn't remember going... but Holden and Holt apparently have done this in years past. Anyway...it was very fun and as you can see VERY detailed and amazing. It inspired Holt to start building Tristan's set and gave he and the boys some great ideas. Their new family project will be to build a cool (and MUCH smaller scale) set for us to have here at the house. We were in San Fran, a school, a circus, visiting the White House and of course... we brought it all home to New York, NY.............Yehaaaaaaaaaaaw, way to represent!

This was the beginning and they were already having fun!

I was too lazy to move them around and put them in order so ...sorry.... the first is the circus

I think that was San Fran

Back to the circus we are....
Then onto DC.............
oh and the wild, wild west ....

Not sure where Lane is, must be East Coast... he's prepared to duke it out!

Oh yeah and Holden hit the ski slopes...........
Lane in DC..........
A little Tug-of-War anyone??????
(It actually moved so I loved it)

oh and back at the circus....Holden spied money and he just HAD to have this picture of it!

The boys in the final stages...saving the best for last.... NY, NY!!!

Back to DC...

Santa stops there too - can you see him?
I can't remember who's favorite this was but I remember one of the boys begging me - GET THE HELICOPTER...GET THE HELICOPTER...there you go guys.............. there's your chopper!

Well, once again we tried a sad little video so "enjoy" as much as you can and notice - I have NO brain and can't remember what the White House looks like... I mean SERIOUSLY?... hee, hee, hee
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