Tristan Holt Barber is here
Friday, January 30, 2009
What would I do without Karen... my FABULOUS lactation lady!!
Get to car, FINALLY gets car seat in
Drives for first time with Tristan...a little freaked
Get to doc, can't figure out how to get Tristan out - frantically calls Holt
Finally gets in office
Gets not so great nurse...ok, but not so great
then gets Karen (the lactation specialist)
Julie starts to cry.... weighs Tristan, he's only gained a 1/2 ounce in 4 days, should be gaining that daily
Cries and cries... Karen is awesome, hands me tissues
asks what the situation is... we chat
Time to feed the little guy
Take of my shirt and then my maternity bra... NOT KIDDING
SHE GASPS and said "OH MY GOD, THOSE ARE ABOUT THE WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN" and closes her eyes and says - You must have a VERY high tolerance for pain because those are unbearable."
Well, at first I am freaked... not at her response but more like - "great, I've broken my nipples"
Not broken... just hurting. So we fed on both sides, she gave me a few things to work on and then we'll go from there. I have to go back Monday to get him weighed, I have to run to Babies and buy breast shields to use if I need them and I also can pump and feed him breast milk... I did that this morning and he took fine to the bottle and then fine again to me at the Dr's office.
So, there is a lot more but I'm emotional so I am not going to go there... just know that we WILL be ok, I can continue to nurse and yipppeee I can take some serious amounts of pain. I'm tough... I just knew it.
I have to walk around naked all night tonight... well, no top so I'm going to spend the evening alone, with my little one and just hang. I don't really feel like talking right now so thanks for the calls.. I'll return them this weekend or soon... my mom comes in tomorrow so I guess I'll be with her so forgive me if it takes me a few days.
Thank you for your prayers.. they worked!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I know that he's worth every tear...
Here's a picture of me.... after he had his shot and got his heel pricked. I was VERY sad....
oh and here is Holtie driving us home.... he was happy
and very, very proud of his little guy. I think my hubby is in shock as to how in love with this baby he is. Hopefully this solidifies his love for ME too!
Here is Aunt Debby again. She saved the day yesterday and did a diaper and "mommy stuff" run to Target. She had just flown in from a mini vacation and ran errands for us, it was awesome! Thanks Aunt Debby!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
The flu season is upon us so we asked all of the scary questions and explained that we didn't want to be freaky but SAFE. Tristan is fine to be around people and kids... not large crowds or daycare if possible.. but family and friends are fine. One thing though people... gotta stay away from his face and hands. Soooooooooooo, his upper torso is off limits. I understand that this is a blow to you all.. I mean, I can't stand it I kiss him every second but for the next 4 weeks, he'll have to be checked out from a far...or the doc said you can kiss his feet (still a personal favorite of mine, ask my friends.. I have a baby foot fetish!)
T had to get his heel pricked.... yes, I cried... he wailed, I cried. The nurse said she bawled her eyes out with each of her 5 children so I felt a little less ridiculous.
after a thumbs up it was my turn to head to see Dr. Jaffee. well, she wasn't in so I saw Dr. Webster (the other doc who pulled Tristan out during my C-section). They removed my steri-strips and she said my incision looks AWESOME! So she cleared me to get back to life prior to pregnancy in 2 weeks! WUHOOO! 2 weeks early!! YIPPEEEEE. So I have to "listen to my body" but I am thrilled to be ME again!
Of course, my vanity kicked in with questions like: "Can I whiten my teeth", "What about tanning" I would have gone on and on.. but she just kept saying yes so I stopped asking. I also asked if it was HORRIBLE that I popped a vicodin (sp) once a day to deal with the pain of breastfeeding... she laughed and said no. One a day or one when I need it is fine. I only have 4 or 5 left and things are becoming LESS painful (THANK YOU LORD) each day so hopefully today was my last one.
So, in a nutshell, I am back, and will be back fully - well on my way to me in 2 weeks!
Tristan and I do have a sad note to post though... Daddy will be gone tomorrow at 10am for a week. We will have lots and lots of fun together but will be VERY sad to not see him. We pray for many of you each night during feedings and we have been praying that daddy's trip is successful and that he comes home quickly. WE WILL MISS HIM. *SIGH*
I had a few goofy pics to post but I can't get to them, Holt is frantically working on the other computer so I guess you'll have to do with this email just full of yapping. I hear a whimper of a little man.. I bet he wants food. TYPICAL - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - just kidding. he's like me though, when he wants to eat... feed him... OR ELSE!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
keep it all in perspective Julie....perspective is KEY
Woke up semi rested and reasonably happy... me, not him. He was great.
so I spent the morning hoping for a shower but silently wondering HOW that would happen. I'm learning that the moment he falls asleep that is the time for ME... shower, shave, movie, SLEEP... whatever I need, I take THEN... not pay bills, write-thank you and THEN do that.. I take care of ME in those moments. So, I rested... a little. I'm learning...slowly.... :)
So it was about 4pm...Holt just got home from work and he's been busting his behind mind you. Real estate has been picking up... and he took a bunch of time to care for Tristan and I. He has run every errand, done all the to-do's around here and has been SUCH a great comfort to me.
When I cry from breastfeeding because it is SO painful he is there cheering me on. 5am or 5pm, he is up encouraging me and supporting me through it. He has changed a ton of diapers and swaddles like a champ. He has cared for our two crazy dogs and taken trips to Walgreens for things that no man should ever have to buy for his wife. He's incredible.
So, at 3pm or so... I was hoping he could rest after running around finalizing a contract. Well, nope... that wasn't gonna happen. Our resident klutz did it again.... Simba came inside the house with a gash on his hind leg that almost made me puke. It was disgusting. I was ricking Tristan and I popped out of that chair like someone poked me in the butt with a match! Holt came running in and all he could say was "holy crap" off to the emergency vet he went. WHY DOES SIMBA ALWAYS DO THIS ON THE WEEKEND!!!??? So... long story short, and $725 later...Simba is out. Oh and he can't be around other dogs and has to be confined to a laundry room for 2weeks. Um...yeah, Holt goes out of town Tuesday for a week and I have the dogs and the baby so um, how might THAT happen... so, the vet called, gave me the run down and I called my mom bawling..... BAWLING... but then, pulled it together so I could feed Tristan - silently hoping he wouldn't "feel" my stress. luckily, he didn't seem to notice a thing.
Sam (my FIL) turned 70 today and we were all getting together to celebrate his bday. I was so exhausted, I decided to stay home. I got in the shower... cried my eyes out because of my puppy and then smiled, thankful to be clean. Holt told me that Sam and Ruth Ann offered to take Simba for the week that Holt was gone and I felt a HUGE surge of relief... HUGE. I don't even think I can stand seeing him right now. He has a drain, he is shaved, his ears are taped back from his previous trip to the vet and he has this huge blue cone. He's pathetic looking and his pupils are HUGE and he's loopy and it's sad... BUT he's just a dog... I know.
So anyway, it was a rough one and I'm looking forward to some sleep and then for a fresh new day tomorrow. I will miss my hubby but am looking forward to some one-on-one time with my son... I know it will be a rough few days at times but he smiled at me for the first time today and moments like that are precious and I can't wait for more. We will miss daddy... but Grandma comes on Saturday so that's something in the near future to look forward to for sure!
My prayer... safe travels for my hubby, my puppy to be well and not drive my in-law's insane... my mom to not have horrid weather getting here, for sleep and for pain free breastfeeding. I am asking for a lot... but hey... if you don't ask you can't receive!!
Keeping it all in perspective though... my life is good... VERY GOOD....period.
Off to spend time with Holt then S-L-E-E-P! Ciao
It was fun but I paid for it!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009
More visitors...more thank you's!
Daddy loves his little guy...they got some serious snuggle time in and it was SERIOUSLY CUTE! The day always starts out sweet and with lots of energy........
This arrangement came yesterday from our Florida office... they are SO SWEET! Thank you Gail, Delana, Al & Ray... SO SWEET! I didn't take pics of everyone's flowers - I was lazy BUT I did post 9 or so blogs... so shush! Mark Crouser also sent us this awesome cart FILLED with toys, Manny and his wife Julie sent me a "Mommy's wine" cup and blanket - SO CUTE! I received flowers and cards from our London office... man, this kid is getting stuff from across the pond! Daaaaaaaaaaang!
Believe it or not....our insurance agent (Ron) and his assistant (Erica) sent us this rockin' baby blanket... so cute! Allstate ROCKS!
This is Ms. Loni.... she brought us dinner the other night and it was YUM-O...ITALIAN! LOVED IT!! She also brought Tristan clothes and a baby book.... man oh man.. this will be the best dressed kid on the planet. I don't have any more room in the drawers. My mom and I will be sorting clothes next week...his dresser is a department store! Thanks Loni!!
Well, this is usually the end of the day... who would have known that a little guy could use up so much energy. He's worth every ounce of it and plus, who wouldn't want to snuggle. Getting tired has it's benefits!!! Holt and I usually take every other day to take a sleeping beating... ha! Meaning...last night he got 8 or 9 hours...I got about 6 ...the night before it was reversed. Works out great. My man is good to me!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Recovery was awesome... so many nurses - THANK GOD!!

It all began at 7am on a Wednesday
Noon comes... dilated to a 4 but Tristan doesn't like off I go...trying it on my own. BIG contractions... BIG and fast... time for my epidural! YIPPEE

8:25 arrived and out comes our little guy, and look at the proud papa!!

Ok, gonna post some pics now... we had a really rough night but I've decided I'm not gonna tell that story... I;ll just end this one by saying that I wanted to cry...when we finally got in our room close to 1am. BUT in the midst of the icky night... my sweet husband was having issues swaddling our little guy and asked me for help. mind you, i can't move, epidural still in full force... so he brings Tristan to me... he said can you help? We open the swaddle and in there are the diamond earrings that I have wanted for SO long. He said I deserved them for all of my hard work... he said that I deserved them and he wanted me to have something beautiful on the day our son was born. My heart melted and I fell in love with my husband again. I fall harder and harder each and every time. God gave me a man of integrity, of great character that loves me VERY well then He tops it off with an awesome, healthy, happy baby. THAT is a blessing. All else fades away. Perspective is awesome!!
Pictures in next post....
Our angel has arrived
Well, let me first of all thank a bunch of people...get that all out of my head and post it, then I'll tell a few stories!
Thank you Kimmie for being in the delivery room and helping Holt and I for those few days in the hospital. We couldn't have done it without you! Sam and Ruth Ann thank you for taking care of our other two "kids" - it took a HUGE burden off of Holt and I and gave us great quality time with our son.
Robert, Mark, Nancy, John, Hannah, Austin, Tiffany, Margie, Debby, Kathy (Ebby family), Gill and my "family" from BBC, plc in London...thank you all for our flowers. Our room and house smell fabulous and look great! I was hoping to take pictures but again... I have a lot on my plate. :)
Thank you for the gifts... Michelle & Phil, Debby & Alyssa & Katelyn...the diapers are awesome...and SO useful - this kids just blowin' 'em out. Imagine that! Ha! Margie, Loni, thank you for the clothes... this will be the best dressed kid around!
Trish and Loni, thank you also for bringing us dinner, it has been SUCH a blessing...SUCH a HUGE blessing to not have to cook at night.
Trish, Jenn and Chloe...thank you for the Target gift certificate as well, this too comes in SO handy and Holt and I are so blessed that you have done this for us.
Oh and Teri and Nancy, our next door neighbors, they are AWESOME! They brought us over a baby gift - so sweet and TODAY..the put a door in our fences so our dogs could run back and forth and play. THIS IS HUGE for those of you that know Simba. As isn't thrilled, he's Mr. Anti-social, but Simba the social butterfly is jazzed!
Oh and Corey...thank you for setting up the meals for us...Durby, thank you for giving me mom advice, calming me down and making me feel sane!
Steiner...thanks for sending off those emails and keeping everyone in the loop and Wendy, to you too for handling the Balfour Beatty family and keeping them informed.
There are links and videos on Facebook...for those of you that don't have it, I'll try and have Holt post them to YouTube so you can see them...
ok, now I think that covers it.... I;ll post and then get back to the business of telling you what happened all starting at 7:30am on Wednesday when my sweet angel arrived....
We love this boy!!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
More fun shots to come. YIPPPPEEE...
That's it... I'm charging rent!!
So, from here on out... it's gonna cost him. It's blurry but I'm too lazy to go make it cuter. Ha!
Doesn't he know all the great stuff we have in store for him?
Our friends Priya, John (and baby Timmy) from Chicago sent us a sweet card for Tristan's baby book and I could NOT believe what they sent us as a baby gift. They sent us a rocker and ottoman for the nursery! What a surprise! Thank you guys so much for your generosity and we cannot wait to see you when we come to Chicago, it's been far too long!!
Also, just a quick shout out to my friend and work Nicole Hogan. She (and her hubby of course) have been SUCH a huge blessing to us by giving us all of their baby clothes as well. She gave me bags of bottles and extra stuff too and you don't realize how HUGE this is until you actually try and afford a new born on your own! I don't know how people do it! Wow!!
So here's Nicole... a little blurry (sorry - it's the camera on my phone) but here she is - wuhooo!
Thank you all again for all you have done for us. We are SO appreciate!!!
Tristan, come out and meet all of these great people, they can't wait!!! Love, Mommy