Well, after my meltdown... I gained some perspective early (as in 3am early) the next morning. I woke up and realized that I can't control it all, that I have to have patience and find joy in my last few days of being childless - well you know what i mean. I prayed (a lot), read my Bible, enjoyed a 1/2 cup of coffee, and went to work in a much better mood.
Work feels a little less stressful.. again, I just put it all into perspective. My friend Jennifer said to me today, now is the time to be selfish and put, Holt, Tristan and myself before all others. So, I'm doing that. Period. It's hard, it means putting aside things that stress me out and taking care of me. So, that's that. Discipline to put down the Blackberry, stop the computer and take care of my husband and child. Oh and me.....
Well, today... we got some AMAZING news. Our short sale has been approved by the bank. Basically we will be done with our house in Chicago by the end of February and while it is sad (we love that house) it is a HUGE burden off of us financially and we can breathe. To just show how far God has taken this... the bank told us we had to pay $5k and it appears that we don't. There was no rider, no addendum just clean and simple.. the new buyer takes it... closing costs and all. EVERYTHING.... and it's been MONTHS of work for our realtor Bob...God bless that man, he has earned every penny! Now we'll pray that you get John & Ginger's house sold!!
Tomorrow we have a house cleaner coming to clean.... James and Sue bought us two cleaning days...one before and one after Tristan.... and you have NO idea what this means to me. I'm sure Holt is excited but I am absolutely thrilled to have a clean house (that is until my dog walks in with mud on his feet, hee, hee, hee) - thanks JJ & Sue!! If they are good.. I am going to BEG Holt to let me do this once a month - a dirty house for me is VERY stressful!!
Holt is currently trying to decide on whether or not to take a TiGi trip at the end of the month. It could potentially be the week before (or week of) Tristan's arrival, so it's hard. The potential GREAT news is, Grandma Margie (my mom) may be flying in for a week. Lon and Kimberly offered to fly her here on miles... we are looking at options and deciding today (a girl needs her mama) ... but with her current work situation she hasn't had a lot of say on whether or not she can come. Things may have changed... so today she will decide and if she comes it will be the week that Holt is potentially gone. I'd be alone for 3 days I think so if needed Kimmie has offered to stay with me but she has 3 kids of her own so my guilt kicks in but I know she'd love it. Plus (GOD BLESS HER) she's offered to come and care for him any time I want to take a shower. WUHOOO! Kim and Lon, thank you so much for offering to do this for my mother... you have NO idea how thankful we both are.
My brother-in-law (Lee) set my mom's webcam up and then proceeded to set up my Aunt Trisha's over the weekend so I have 1/2 my family that Tristan will be able to see. Next will be getting my dad, sister and Aunt Jeanne set up so he can see my whole family. Then, onto my Ya-Ya's!! John and Ginger are already on and Holt and he chatted today so Ging and I can see each other while we are on maternity!
My friends at work are also getting ready to fire off an email trying to get us set up on meals for 2 weeks. For any of you that have ever had this done for you before you know what a blessing it is. IT IS HUGE and I am SO THANKFUL! Plus, Holt will be thrilled... ME + HUNGER = VERY, VERY bad! So thank you Corey & Kimberlee for putting this together and you will reap what you sow! THANK YOU!!
Well, I will write again on Monday after my sonogram and full physical. Hopefully we'll have more news then and maybe even a little guy.
I know I'm hormonal... but some of you (especially the guys) may not remember that so don't think I'm about to run out and slit my wrists... I'm fine. Just a lot and it hit me all at once... I can take anything in small doses...
So anyway, no worries, I'm fine. Deb Steiner will be sending the group email to my friends, Holt will be calling my mom who will then call my family, Ruth Ann will call Holt's family, (Kimmie will be in delivery with Holt and I) and Poolsie will call my Ya-Ya's so you WILL be notified of the little guy's arrival, I promise. Feel free to call and email but I may not answer if I'm not up to it. I'm sure everyone can understand but thanks in advance anyway.
Ok, Orca Barber... a VERY GRATEFUL ORCA ..Over and out!
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