Oh look at my sweet boy! I love him more than you can imagine...actually more than I can imagine. This time with him has been SO awesome... very hard at times because I REALLY miss Holt and know that it's hard for him being so far from us. He sounds so sad when he calls us from California, I can't help but get off the phone and cry and pray for him and wish him here. The distance is hard, but hey, 6 more sleeps and he'll be home...aaaaah.
Breastfeeding has been quite the challenge, cracked nipples are NO FUN and they are VERY, VERY painful. As a matter of fact, it's been the most painful part of my entire post partum. SUCKS... BUT I know that this sacrifice is great for Tristan and I'm giving him the best that I can and he's worth it. It reminds me of the countless times I have heard my mom and dad say that they would go through anything for me, take a bullet... ANYTHING... and I always knew they thought they meant it... but THEY MEANT IT... I get that now. I would die for this little guy. So if I can take a bullet.. I can certainly tolerate some (VERY) sore boobs. Ugh.
Thank you to Kristin Durbin for putting up with my countless calls and questions. Thank you for the sympathy you offer and I know you "get it" so I feel comforted even over the phone. Thank you to Wendy Littleton for talking me down off the ledge today and helping me with my bf'ing issues. Thank you for your advice, your wisdom and by golly, I WILL find that vitamin E cream!!
I received Tristan's social security card and his birth certificate in the mail today. It was SUCH a huge occasion and just solidified that I have a person to whom I am fully responsible and i welcome it with open arms. I don't know what I am doing but thankfully I have great friends and family to coax me along the way.
Thank you to Julanne (I forgot to get a picture of you and T today so we have to have a re-do) for sitting with me today, talking to me, allowing me to walk Aslan and get some fresh air and for sitting with me while i tried to nurse and cheering me on. I had no idea how much I needed that 2 hour visit - I APPRECIATE YOU!!! Man, I love my new LifeGroup... what an amazing bunch of women (and men!!).
This is a picture of Bebah and Tristan... he actually wasn't crying... but it looks that way. He just LOVES her and can't wait to meet his other Grandma on Saturday.
Bebah also let me walk Aslan so HE IS VERY THANKFUL... and of course, the resident klutz is thankful for being able to sleep at their house for a week. Simba's ears are no longer taped and his drain is out so HOPEFULLY he is on the mend. Dang dog.. if we didn't love him, we'd have to kill him!!
This is a picture of Tristan on his way home from the docs on Monday... too cute, he's crashed! It's tough to stay healthy....
Here's a picture of me.... after he had his shot and got his heel pricked. I was VERY sad....
oh and here is Holtie driving us home.... he was happy
and very, very proud of his little guy. I think my hubby is in shock as to how in love with this baby he is. Hopefully this solidifies his love for ME too!
Here is Aunt Debby again. She saved the day yesterday and did a diaper and "mommy stuff" run to Target. She had just flown in from a mini vacation and ran errands for us, it was awesome! Thanks Aunt Debby!!
I also received a card from my mentor...Tracy Norris today... sweet little frog and she gave us a gift card for diapers. WUHOOOO - my new favorite thing!!
My mom's sweet friends also sent us a card in the mail... Carol thank you so much for sending in the midst of all that you have going on. Tristan and I pray for you in the wee hours, and are glad that Grandma says you are doing well. Yes! Go God!! Oh and my godmother Terri sent a card today too... thank you all so much for the well wishes and for extending yourself to us at this time.
Linda Vallis .. I think I forgot to thank you for your card all the way from London... you and Gill win the award for greatest distance traveled and for Joanne Craiker and all my TYPO's ladies for your prayers and for reaching out to us... can't wait to see you in March.
Ok, I will end now... just wanted to say that this is honestly one of the hardest yet most rewarding things I have ever done. All I can hear myself say though... is...
YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET. I have no idea what I'm made of and I know that. So, I'm hangin' on for the ride........ sore ta-ta's and all... and I'm smilin' through the tears! Amen!!
:) i heart you.