Tristan Holt Barber is here
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I remembered that I forgot!! SORRY
Also, if I forgot to thank Wendy for our dinner - SORRY! I'm too lazy to go look....
other than that I'm hoping I got everyone. If I didn't and I forgot.. I'm sorry - I blame it on lack of sleep - ha!
Holt and I are off to the lake this weekend... just the 5 of us and I'm pretty excited about getting away and it just being us. I will be working on my paperwork for my vocal auditions at church, Holt and I will be getting some much needed rest, have nothing to clean or HAVE TO DO. We have a few things to talk about, trying to get a plan for Holt's business for 2009, figuring out where we will serve, what we will give our time to and even working on some much needed date nights.
Getting away is so nice and I can't wait.. me and my boys.... THAT is heavenly!!
I'll post lake pics when we return. YAHOOOOOOOOOO
A Valentine and more...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What did the bug say when it snuck up behind the bee?
Oh my poor boobs.... well, I found out today that I do NOT have mastitis but I have a yeast infection in my breasts. yeah...Lovely! These girls have taken a beating in the last 5 weeks and I don't know how much more they can take! Ha!
Just proves that I am absolutely NOT giving up on breastfeeding!! Sheesh. At 5pm today I will be starting my antibiotic so it will be a long 2 weeks but they will hopefully feel better soon. I can't even work out because the friction would kill me. It actually feels like acid is being run up and down my chest.... lovely. Just lovely.
Anyway... the bright side of my doctor's appointment... I lost 28 pounds. WUHOOO. I weighed in at a nasty 188 the day I gave birth... today... 160. So, I weighed 150 when i got pregnant but that was 20 pounds over what I should be... all due to my nasty blood disorder that they can't quite figure out. So anyway, in a nutshell... I've got 30 pounds to go.
I'll start running with Aslan as soon as I won't cry and whimper the entire time. For now... I'll sit and breastfeed... you burn some serious calories doing this. Plus, it's best for the little guy... stay tuned.. there is more to come but I have to run to dinner...
Blog at'cha later!
Monday, February 16, 2009
My mom forgot to check the mail!
Tristan is THRILLED a best buddy has arrived!!

More pictures of Tristan...........

Saturday, February 14, 2009
First Valentines...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
All sorts of fun!
Then we got presents in the mail and one delivered by EE!
The blue doggy is from David and Peggy Preston from my office.... SOOOOOOOOOOo cute and SOOOOOOOo soft!
and the clothes are from my LONG TIME friends, Tim and Tina from California (now they live in Scottsdale)
These are gifts from the Ya-Ya's...

Ya Ya Nancy gave me these rockin clothes and my daddy LOOOVES orange so he's excited!
Ya-Ya Pookie (AKA Aunt Tracy) gave us a little green so he can stay true to his Irish roots - GG Joan would be proud!
Then, Uncle James and Aunt Sue brought Grace and Davis over to play! Grace wasn't too happy about the trampoline, Davis.. yeah, he could care less - he got to play in water (dive in the stream behind our house actually AND play in all the dog water bowls - He's soaked!!)

And boy oh boy...after a busy day of friends... a little tummy time workin' out my neck muscles with daddy... (Sorry can't fix the red-eyes in the pic)
Mommy and I are tired!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Wizard of Carrollton
We went out in the back yard and our HUGE trampoline LIFTED up and flew OVER our 6' fence and landed upright in our next door neighbors yard............ so his niece can now bounce!
It was funny because he calls and asks us if they can come over and use it sometimes. So I laughed and said "Gary, if you wanted to use it more often, all you had to do was ask!!"
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH - I hate tornadoes... but THIS was funny!!
Thankfully we don't live in Kansas!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
He's baaaaaaaaaaack - AWTH!
At least Aslan is thrilled!!
This is just the beginning I know...... 4 boys and me........ YOWZA!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Tristan's 1st fondue!
and Tristan looooooooooves his cousin Alyssa....
Earlier in the day Mr. Kevin and Ms. Shea stopped over to meet Mr. T. They are having a baby in March, Tristan can't wait to meet her!!
That's all for now! About 20 more people to meet........ whew... T has LOTS of people who love him!! WUHOOOOO