Then there is a card here from the Taylor's - Antoine, Carol and Ooooolivia! They sent us a GC for Babies-R-Us too and we bought the tub thermometer we've been wanting - thank you!!!

Miss Stacie (Upton) knit Tristan a hat.. in her SPARE time - sheesh - where do you find that spare time AND the talent! WOW! He'll look great in this in NY for Christmas!!
Then Sam and Ruth Ann's friends Sandy and Earl sent us this great little outfit!!
Ms. Kayla (one of the funniest people I have ever met) and little Berkely sent us this awesome hooded towel. You can't see how cool it is but when I give T a bath tomorrow, I will upload a picture. It has a lion and a giraffe on it, it's awesome!!
Then my friends from Bachelor Gulch (where I had a work event) were SO sweet - they sent him gifts! I guess I made a good impression!! There is a sweet little outfit and a little "Bachelor" stuffed dog!
Just a pic of Tristan and Holtie..... T's in big boy clothes (which he RARELY is) - so cute!!
Here is Tristan getting in a little workout............ he's bulkin' up ladies... look out!
Last but not least........ HE STANDS...well, sorta!

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